This is a reminder to submit your students’ RSIC Bursary and Leadership Award applications, and to nominate for the Kurt Hahn Prize by the end of this week. There will be a second round of bursary awards during April but the first 50% will be awarded based on applications received by the end of March.
Discovery Bursaries: Discovery Bursaries are available to cover delegate fees for those students from Round Square Global Member Schools whose financial circumstances mean that they could not otherwise participate in the conference. Discovery Bursaries cover the full cost of delegate fees for the RSIC, but participants (or their school) will be responsible for funding their own flights/ travel to and from country. There are two closing dates for bursary applications. The first round will be awarded based on applications received by 31st March 2023. and the second round will awarded after 30th April 2023. For more information or to submit an application please visit the conference website here.
The Kurt Hahn Prize: The Kurt Hahn Prize is awarded by Round Square to a single student or a small group of students in recognition of an exceptional act of service to others. All nominations must be received by the 31st of March 2023 and will be collated by the Round Square Chief Executive for consideration by the awarding panel in April. The 2023 prize-winner(s) will be invited to speak at the International Conference in Kenya, with the cost of their attendance being met by the Alumni of Schule Schloss Salem, who fund the award. You can read more about the Prize or nominate on the Round Square website HERE. Please do not email applications to Rachael but instead follow the process and upload them to the web site. This is to ensure a fair and equitable process.
The Rod Fraser Leadership Award: One merit-based leadership scholarship, available to a student from a Round Square Global Member School, covering the full delegate fee and a contribution towards travel up to a maximum of £2,000. The closing date for applications is 31st March 2023. This Award was made for the first time in 2022 in remembrance of former RS Chairman, Roderick D Fraser, who passed away in March 2021. The Rod Fraser Leadership Award is presented annually to a student from a Round Square school whose leadership capability and potential is demonstrated in their actions to date and their ambitions for the future. For more information or to submit an application please visit the conference website here.